Now, this is, given a stipulation with respect to 10 degree, if l by v is less than 10 second,
now, you may say, why l by v. Now, this is actually because, it is found out that, this
overshoot obviously is connected to speed also. So, if it is higher speed, you expect more
overshoot angle, that is why, they have given this l by v criteria. You see, if you think of
a ship fixed l v is increasing, then, l by v is decreasing. When l by v is decreases, then
you must have smaller angle, lesser overshoot because, otherwise, it it tends to like
heading is less, but the yaw will be more, because, it has less time to go up. So,. So, it
kind of restricts the path width basically. So, this is how they have given, because, you
you want this overshoot angle. First of all criteria with respect to first and second
overshoot angle, second of all, you wanted this overshoot angle to be somewhat
connected to length and velocity. Longer ships should have, you know, be allowed more
overshoot angle or whatever this l, you know, l by v parameter is here you know and you
can make out from their first overshoot, should be 10 degree, etcetera ah. And, my my
saying is the the the my my emphasizing the point is that, overshoot angle is obviously a
criteria, but as overshoot angle depends on length as well as speed, the the criteria has
somewhat connected this with length and speed l by v. You can see l by v is a unit of
time, so, l by v becomes actually like a time period. So, you know it is tied with the time
period; this is how it is mentioned see.