Things were a little bit flustered.
First off, Aisha ran to the school to retrieve Norn.
Was she being considerate because of the situation with Roxy? Or was it difficult to stay? Or was it because I called back Gisu?
It seems that Elinalise's original plan had been to return to Cliff at once, but she was enduring it for now.
Until they returned here, from Sylphy, I asked her about what happened here while I was away.
Sylphy, understanding that I prioritized hearing about what happened here beforehand, didn't complain, and began explaining.
First of all, the condition of Sylphy.
Everything seems to be progressing favorably.
According to what the doctor said, the matter of the baby being born was proceeding as well as can be expected.
It seems all of my companions have been keeping well, also.
When some minor incident occurred at the school the other day, Nanahoshi appeared suddenly and settled the matter.
Doing something for someone of this world, did she finally change her way of thinking a little?
Aisha and Norn managed to get along fine without any injuries or illnesses.
Aisha it seems, has rapidly been expanding her interest in gardening,
It seems she has begun cultivating a new type of plant in her room.
Should I take the time to have her show me?
At school, it seems Norn's existence has become something like that of an idol.
There is even something like a Fan club that exists too.
Norn is rather cute after all.
Even Zanoba, Cliff, Rinia, and Pursena would sometimes drop by the house to check on the state of things.
It seems Ariel had mumbled some complaints about me not stopping by and offering greetings.
Ah, that's right; I seemed to have forgotten to do that.
I will apologize the next time I see her.
I should try not to increase my debts to her any further.
At any rate, just from what I've heard, everyone seems to be doing fine.
And when time allows, I will fill the others in on what happened as well.
However, it seems there have been no sightings of Badigadi.
Well, it's not like anything will happen to an immortal guy like him anyway.
So what has happened in this last half-year?
My cute as ever Sylphy put a finger to her chin, and gives it some thought.
"Really, nothing and nobody of incident, huh?"
"That's right. Nothing at all happened that Rudi needs to be concerned with."
"I see."
"Rather than that, let's talk about you, Rudi. What happened with you?"
"Ah. I'll tell you. However, it will have to be after everyone has gathered. There are certain reasons for this."
"…Okay. Ah, I'm so glad you came back."
So, in the place we were chatting, Roxy has returned.
I invite Gisu and company into the living room:
Gisu, Talhand, Lilia, Vera, Shera, Elinalise, and Roxy.
With Sylphy and I, does that make nine people?
Even with so many people in the room, it is wide enough to accommodate many more.
"Oh, is that Senpai's wife? Hehe, she's a cute one, isn't she? You are a lucky man, Senpai."
"That is also my grandchild!"
"Well, it seems that even this lewd bitch's defective swellings can occasionally become a shining jewel."
"What did you say!?"
I give a sidelong glance to the back-and-forth going on between Elinalise and Gisu, and then the two of them greet Sylphy properly.
Sylphy sits up straight, and returns the greetings in a formal manner.
"Nice to meet you, I am called Roxy…Migurdia."
"Roxy you say? Then you are the Shisho who Rudi is always in high praise of?"
"Yes, well sort of…I don't know if I'm quite the person all of Rudi's prideful bragging has made me out to be."
"How do you do? I always hear stories about you from Rudi, I am Sylphiette, it is my honor to finally meet you."
"L-, likewise…"