As obesity prevalence is increasing in Thailand,
the risk for mortality and morbidities
such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and
coronary heart disease is increasing too (15).
Although Thailand has launched policies and
programs for preventing and controling the
growing rate of overweight and obesity, e.g.,
the Healthy Thailand program in 2004, aggressive
policies are needed. In addition, national
and local health care professionals should promote
and provide greater education about
physical activity and healthy lifestyles to prevent
excess weight gain in Thai population.
As obesity prevalence is increasing in Thailand,the risk for mortality and morbiditiessuch as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, andcoronary heart disease is increasing too (15).Although Thailand has launched policies andprograms for preventing and controling thegrowing rate of overweight and obesity, e.g.,the Healthy Thailand program in 2004, aggressivepolicies are needed. In addition, nationaland local health care professionals should promoteand provide greater education aboutphysical activity and healthy lifestyles to preventexcess weight gain in Thai population.
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