Local rendering requires a WebGL enabled browser and
implies hardware resources availability. Furthermore, portable
devices tend to implement hardware acceleration in
conjunction with software acceleration, for better performance.
Remote rendering requires less hardware resources on the
client side, although the network traffic is increased and
dependent on the protocols used to transfer at high bit rates the
images captured at the . server-side. Furthermore, it secures the
original 3D content, in cases that it is a requirement. Remote
rendering can be propelled by the Comet techniques that
reconsider the client-server communication paradigm to enable
server pushed web content. In particular, the web client
stimulates the server to push content by requesting partial
content and avoiding thus the entire web page transfer. In that
context, Ajax technology based on JavaScript can be used to
build an engine running on the clients' browsers. This engine is
processing user's input and manages the server connection to
update the data on the front end. Web applications that
implement the Ajax engine are capable to load partially the
content of the page. Data transfer takes place over HTTP when
it is requested and when a response is received, JavaScript
using DOM (Document Object Model) manages to update the
suitable nodes on the HTML page. In a more advanced way,
HTML5 introduced recently the WebSockets API for data
transfer over a direct TCP connection. WebSockets, based on
client-sided JavaScript, manage to establish a single and
persistent TCP socket connection with the server. This socket
is kept open, serving all transactions between client and server,
and pushing server data to the client. Then, similar to Ajax,
JavaScript using DOM updates the suitable nodes on the
HTML page.