Our meta-analysis is the fi rst to include studies
assessing povidone-iodine. Moreover, it includes fi ve
studies that have not been included in any previous
meta-analysis.23–27 Previous meta-analyses assessing the
eff ect of oral antiseptics on rates of ventilator-associated
pneumonia37–40 had diff erent scopes. Chan and
colleagues37 assessed, besides antiseptics, the eff ect of
oral antibiotics on rates of ventilator-associated
pneumonia. Chlebicki and Safdar,38 Kola and Gastmeier,39
and Pineda and colleagues40 focused on oral care with
chlorhexidine only. In conclusion, this meta-analysis
provides strong evidence of the benefi cial eff ect of oral
antiseptics in the prevention of ventilator-associated
pneumonia, especially in cardiosurgical patients and
with use of 2% chlorhexidine.