3.1 Bilateral Efforts
In 2004, NMFS participated in bilateral discussions with Canada, Chile, the European Union, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, and Russia, which included the implementation of the Shark Finning Prohibition Act. Emphasis in these bilateral contacts has been on the collection and exchange of information, including requests for data such as shark and shark fin landings, transshipping activities, and the value of trade. In addition, the United States continues to encourage other countries to implement the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Plan of Action (IPOA) for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, by finalizing their own national plans of action (NPOA).
3.2 Regional Efforts
The U.S. Government will continue to work within regional fishery management bodies to facilitate shark research, monitoring, and management initiatives, as appropriate. Possible avenues for the development of international initiatives supporting the conservation of sharks include a number of regional fishery management organizations. Table 3.2 lists these regional fishery management organizations and regional programs, some with multilateral efforts.