Different methods of detoxification have been used in the ligno-cellulosic treatments of the culture media. In the present work, thecashew apple bagasse hydrolysate was submitted to pH adjustmentand subsequently treated with activated charcoal aiming the reduc-tion of toxic compounds impact on cell growth. It was observed(Table 1) that after the pH adjustment with Ca(OH)2, the totalamount of sugars was reduced (from 42.39 g L−1to 42.01 g L−1),which is not a significant reduction for the process. Regarding toxylose, a decrease of 0.43 g L−1occurred after the pH adjustment.It was found that the acetic and formic acid concentration didnot change. However, phenolic concentration decreased about 2.5times. This low loss of sugars present in the CABH is a positivepoint to establish a process for medium detoxification with acti-vated charcoal, since some authors [19] argue that the adsorptionby active charcoal during treatment of hydrolysates, although pro-viding the removal of toxic compounds and clarification, has thedisadvantage of causing sugar loss.