Dear Love,
It has been mere hours since our parting, and yet the hours stretch into eternity. Will you grace my soul with your presence once more? The patience in which I am enslaved will be a task I find insurmountable; a mountain in which is deemed impossible to climb.
Have you ever been blind, dearest darling? I found myself once to be blinded by the atrocities of my existence. How is it that you have come to me; bathed in Godly light, to open my eyes once more? I felt that I was to pay a certain penance. You have come to me in a time that I surmised was my deepest punishment. Your arrival into my heart has pardoned me of purgatory. I have never encountered a woman as marvelous as you, love
We all start our lives in a journey. Our paths may be many; Careers, Happiness, Love ... my journey into the realm of earthly worship has been a route of disaster. When a man fails as many times as I; a person begins to lose the Faith in Amour. I learned as a child does. Get your hand slapped enough times, you learn to stop the behavior. love, I've reached my hand into the cookie jar again. I was expecting a smack, but you gently reached down and tenderly grasped my hand. Upon looking up at you, I saw a beauty I never imagined I'd ever experience.
I am demoralized, because our first encounters led me to doubt you. I was convinced that love was the greatest myth beheld by mankind. A farce that is propagated by the need to believe, a need for Faith. I simply could not comprehend that your selfless, innocent, and true affections were a reality. My physical mentality would not allow me to believe that I could possibly witness something so pure. Love, I am exhilarated that I have elected not to give up.
I am as a child is, and I want you to teach me what love is. You are so wonderful, Love. The mere sight of you makes my heart feel like putty, and this clay is at your will to mold. I have never discovered a spirit so open, and compromising. I wish to discover everything there is to understand about you. Your energy compliments me so well; I cannot envision anyone else taking your stead. Our paths are new, our tracks are fresh. The first steps I have taken have reassured me of one thing, Love: you've become someone I wish to endeavor my life with.
I cannot predict the future, I am not a soothsayer. What I do understand is that I find a flawless and lucid truth in you. You have brought me a sensuality I wish to be with. You are amazing to me, so beautiful in every sense of the word. You glow with a light I have never witnessed. I wish only to feel you, to feel your skin, to smell your scent, to gaze into your eyes.
Your personality is so wonderful; I wish only to have you next to me, to engage in casual conversation. I wish to embrace you into my - our life. Love was a slope very slightly inclined in my eyes. Falling was difficult, for the slope was no longer steep. You've turned my world on its apex, love. That slope is now very steep, and I am overjoyed to admit that I am rapidly falling down its steep embankments. Please, darling, do not catch me. I thank God everyday for my position. I am exhilarated in the knowledge that I am falling ....
Your most beloved,