Hello my dear friend. How are you doing today? I hope you are doing very fine? i am glad to be in correspondence with you. I am glad to see your message today. Thank you for remembering you have a friend in me. I will help you improve your English if you will give me the chance to. I would love to impact something positive in your life but that is if you will freely find a true and honest friend in me. i am a very honest and true man with a good heart and i will really love to know more about you. I am in Search of a real and true woman with a good heart that will love me and my kids and we will accept and love for who we are and we will love her with much more love. I believe you are a very good woman and i will love to be closer than a friend to you. I strongly believe that our friendship will lead to a very serious relationship that will lead to marriage. I hope to hear from you soon My beloved friend. Thank you very much my dear. God bless and keep you safe. Please take good care of yourself my beloved.