2.7. Scanning electron microscopy
SEM was performed on a Cambridge S360 scanning electron
microscope with an attached Oxford CT 1500 Cryotrans coldstage/
coating unit. The rice samples were glued onto a sample
holder, plunged into liquid nitrogen slush (at 230 C) and transferred
immediately onto the SEM cold-stage. The specimens were
warmed to a controlled 80 C to sublimate ice crystals.
Samples were then transferred into the cryotrons and coated
with approximately 10 nm of pure gold. The coated specimens
were observed at 180 C on the cold-stage of the SEM.
2.8. Statistical analysis
Experimental data were subjected to analysis of variance using
Genstat 5 (release 4.1). Treatment means were tested separately
for least significant difference (lsd) at a 5% level of probability