Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to describe the maincharacteristics of macroinvertebrate species in response toenvironmental forcing factors. Overall, 23 species of Mollusca, 4species of Arthropods, 3 species of Echinodermata and 3 species ofAnnelida were identified at the 9 sampling stations during foursampling periods. Individual species of Mollusca constituted 36.4%of the total abundance, followed by Arthropods (27.01%), Annelida(34.3%) and Echinodermata (2.4%). The results of Kruskal-Wallistest indicated that a significant difference (p <0.05) in the abundance,richness and diversity of the macro-benthic community in differentstations. The correlation analysis revealed that anthropogenicpollution and natural variability caused by these variations in spatialscales.Keywords—Benthic invertebrates, Diversity, Malaysia, WestPort.
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