The foci that will be used to analyse the observed and video recorded data are as follows. The observer will note down anything that is said during the test to make it easier to locate, as well as noting if nothing was said, indication that those films do not need to be reviewed for audio samples. All the filmed data will be analysed to see how the participants facially react to the different clips, as this cannot be seen by the observer. Following the foci outlined by Jordan and Herderson, the clips will be analysed in terms of the structure of events, if more than one person is being tested participant structure can be noted, spatial organisation and artefacts and documents. Structure of events will cover what happens as the test participant performs the test, looking for any changes in behaviour as they watch the different clips. If more than one person is participating in the test it is relevant to know who, if any, takes charge of the experiment and who speaks the most, as this might influence the others answers to the questionnaire. Spatial organisation will look at the test participants body language while watching the clips focusing on whether they are alert and upright or bored and slouched. Artefacts and documents will note how they handle the video clip and questionnaire and if they had and difficulties with either.