It's an old one since 2010 called "The art of Treachery" فنون الغدر Translation poem caption Instagram : Don’t call me , and don’t send to me your letters
I don’t want anything , but delete my number from the list –
I failed to please you , and walk as your hands desire
There’s no road for your satisfaction I didn’t walk
I made the expression book pretty with your features
I regret every poem I wrote for you –
Go far away with your shadow, my eyes don’t want to see you
You touched the depths wound
It’s right . I was in love with you and adored your shadows
And if you came to my heart while it’s sad . You made it happy
And if you went my friend , you completed your favour
You encouraged my heart for your distance. and thrilled it
oh time please, I don’t need more surprises
What do you want from a girl , who studied the treachery arts
Your advantages and disadvantages are equal , and the reason is your fear
From a reality , which reveals what you did –
I swear that i’ll make you clap your hands after me
And i’ll make the arrogant one, drink from the cup of his arrogance
I’ll make you stop in the treachery road
As long as the treachery is the air that you breathed
But wait don’t look when you stop
Cause I fear to get weak and get your name back on the list