Annette Stills
Nanny, Adelaide, Australia
“I live with the Center family and look after their two daughters: Amy, who’s three, and Ella, who’s eighteen months. Not all nannies live with employers, but I’ve got my own room and bathroom in the Carter’s house. Mr and Mrs Carter leave the house really early to go to work, so I get the children up and give them their breakfast. After that I take Amy to nursery and then I go to the shops with Ella. I pick Amy up again at half past twelve, and then we usually take sandwiches to the park. We go home after lunch so Ella can have a sleep and I can do some cleaning, then I take Amy to ballet and music classes on Tuesdays and Thursday. I give the children their tea at about 5 o’clock and I give them a bath their parents come home. Their parents put them to bed while I start the dinner. I have Saturday afternoon and all Sunday off”.