General Appearance : Thai gril not pale no jaundice febrile mild dyspnea no cyanosis no dehydrate norpersonal hygiene.
Skin : Warm no pethichiae no edema no bleeding
Head : Normal shape no deformitry
Eyes : Normal conjunctiva not injection pupils 3 mm. React to right both eye
No FB no discharge
Ear : No discharge good hearing Earcanal not injection Ear drum no perporate
Nose : No septum deviation no perporate no discharge
Thorat : Normal oral cavity pharynx mark injected tonsils mild injection
Neck : Normal side no deforemities thyroids grand not enlarge
Lymphonde : No palpable lymph node
Chest : Normal shape tachypnea
Lung : wheezing and Rrhonchi Both lung , CXR perihilar infiltration BL , after NB 3 dose wheezing rhonchi
Heart : normal no murmur
Abdomen : Soft not tender no guarding no mass Bowel sound normal no distenced
Musculoskeletal :Muscle power grade 5 all.
Neurological sustem : Good consciousness motor function and sensation normal.