Who are we?
Egypt was always the first chapter in history books, and the first word in the Code of human civilization.
When one opens any book in general history of mankind they will find that the history of ancient Egypt takes the lead, and they will find that after an introduction about prehistoric era, the book immediately moves to the first stage of civilization and to the Nile Valley where the mankind learned agriculture, writing and thinking, and arrived quickly to the top of the civilization summit in ancient history.
We are in this group working up together the Egyptian civilization, its history and its effects since the pre-dynastic period and until the ends of the period of the Roman Bank and accompanying us a great group of professors distinguished researchers in all fields of Egyptology, Egyptians, Arabs and foreigners in order to enrich the Group with their scientific excellent researches.
And as we fully enjoy this science, we do not address any other civilizations unless they come into contact with Egyptian civilization.
We also do not care about touristic subjects or landscapes and all other uninteresting myths circulated among the public. As well as the discussion of this history with religious texts or political views in any way.
Also we do not accept any form of racial, ethnic rivalry between the members in absolute terms.
Dear member, once you are accepted as a member, then you have to commit to the rules of the group and pay attention to the caveats.