While Evans (1949) included the Heteropterinae in the Hes-periinae, he kept the Trapezitinae separate because of a peculiar autapomorphy in the venation of the hind wing (discocellular veins form a line directed to the apex of the hind wing; in other Hes-periidaethe line is vertical or directed somewhat towards the wing base). As a consequence Heteropterinae and Hesperiinae were united on the basis of a symplesiomorphy (“H cell normal”, Evans,1949: 2). Not surprisingly, Evans’ subdivision was not supported by molecular characters. Warren et al. (2008) found some, but rather weak support (Bremer Support¼2) for a sister group relationship of Trapezitinae and Hesperiinae. This relationship was not changed by adding morphological characters (Warren et al., 2009). For this