Muay Thai fighters have for centuries used special tattoos, wards, amulets, and ceremonies to increase their good fortune and ward off bad luck and evil spirits that might follow them into the ring. Fighters will often wear pieces of bones from their ancestors wrapped within their headdress or in a armlet tied about the bicep. The bone is supposed to represent the good spirits of their ancestors and provide them protection from injury in the ring and evil spirits. Some fighters, and regular Thai people, will often go the temple or a [Maa Doo], a witchdoctor/medicine man, or high-ranking priest to have tattoo inscriptions in Thai language etched into their skin.
The powerful inscriptions are supposed to provide special protection from certain influences like good fortune, bad luck, ghosts, spirits, etc. Other tattoos were told to grant strength, courage, long-life, or sexual prowess. Often before fights, fighters would rub special oils and mixtures or potions on their skin to make them oblivious to pain and invulnerable. Special amulets worn around the neck were also told to carry special magical powers. Amulets could contain written inscriptions with wards and protections rolled up in a small cylinder. Other amulets came from important temples and bore the image of Buddah or highly-reverred monks. Every fighter must also wear the Mongkon, or rope head band, prior to the beginning of the fight during the Wai Kru Ram Muay and the Prajied which must be worn throughout the fight contest. An interesting thing about the Mongkon is one legend has it that you made it out of a live and poisonous snake as this would would give it special, magical powers. A Muay Thai boxer will almost always have a small Amulet or Buddha image called a Phra Krueng tucked away in his Mongkon before the fight and also may wear one stuffed in his gloves, shorts or other accouterments. Of course his opponent will have done the same and to some folks it’s not a matter of who has the greater skill but the more potent magic in his amulet mojo. Other Amulents of different types are worn to produce certain results. The Prajeid is a red and white band of cloth worn around the upper arm to induce toughness. The Pirod, made of rattan can be a ring or arm band worn around the biceps but it is not normal to wear both a Prajeid and Pirod together. The Dhagrut is a small sheet of beaten bronze inscribed with mystical symbols and is worn about the waist. This is used with incantations but I'm not sure what it is meant to protect since the book doesn't say! There is also the Pitsamorn which is similar to a Dhagrut and is worn around the waist. Another is the Waahn or special herb which a fighter will carry in his Mongkon or chew before the fight. The Suea-yan and Paa-yan have a more Chinese influence. Traditionally, women were banned from entering the Muay Thai boxing ring and there was no women’s boxing in Thailand. This fact originates from long-held superstitions that a female presence may destroy a Muay Thai boxer’s skill, making him vulnerable to injuries. The belief is that female boxers (Nak Muay Ying) will jinx any Muay Thai ring they fight in.