Identification of bacteria
An isolate producing bacterial cellulose was identified by taxonomic
characteristics accordingly to Bergey’s Manual of Systematic
Bacteriology (Kandler & Weiss, 1986): Gram staining, cell shape,
endospore forming, catalase and oxidase production, indole test,
MR-VP test, various carbohydrate fermentation tests, various sole
carbon source tests, effects of crystal violet, sodium chloride and
phenol, and growth at various temperatures.
Identification of bacteriaAn isolate producing bacterial cellulose was identified by taxonomiccharacteristics accordingly to Bergey’s Manual of SystematicBacteriology (Kandler & Weiss, 1986): Gram staining, cell shape,endospore forming, catalase and oxidase production, indole test,MR-VP test, various carbohydrate fermentation tests, various solecarbon source tests, effects of crystal violet, sodium chloride andphenol, and growth at various temperatures.
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