Thank you so much that you understand about the dowry a must during a Thai wedding ceremony.
Thai Dowry is a touchy subject in Thailand with Westerners. Normally you or someone in your family approaches the Thai woman’s parents to negotiate” Tong Mun" and "Sin Sod." Tong Mun which literally means "gold engagement" is in reality 24 karat gold jewelry given to the bride. The concept is similar to an engagement ring in the West. Sin Sod is the dowry itself. The word "Sin" means riches. This could be anything of value. In Africa it would include farm animals, land and such. "Sod” on the other hand is the act of storing or in this context holding the "Sin". Hence the term Sin Sod or dowry.
The "Tong Mun" or engagement ring will be presented to the bride at a ceremony called a "Phitee Mun," which normally takes place at the bride’s parent’s home. This is mainly attended by family members and shows acceptance into the family. You and your prospective bride are now viewed as a "Koo Mun" which literally means "tied or joined couple," (engaged party). Ever seen a Westerner in Thailand with loads of string tired around his wrists? He partook in a "Bai Sri Soo Kwan" or engagement ceremony. The engagement ceremony concludes with each guest tying a string around the wrist of the bride and that of the groom, while giving the married couple their blessings, followed by the placing of a garland of flowers around the couple’s necks. This is followed by the “Koo Mun,”
About my family
I think they want you give all this guarantee my future life
That's proper to them asked me
Sin sod 1 million baht
Tong mun 9 baht
And pay all the organizer of celebrate wedding
How do you think about this?
It's too much?