– Please set a name for the sculpture you’ve made.
The message window popped up when Weed stood still without moving his sculpting knife.
The sculpture that covered the lifetime of a doll was finished.
Weed weakly shook his head. “I will not set a name.”
He didn’t want to attach any name to the sculpture right now.
– If a name is not specified, then the name of the Sculptor might not be known and it may also be left as an unfinished work. Is that alright?
“It doesn’t matter. This was a work that I was not qualified to make.”
Unnamed Mythical Sculpture
A gift thrown into the world by a Sculptor possessing talent and effort at the level of amazing a God!
The entire process of a human’s life, from birth to death, has been expressed in a sculpture.
The Sculptor’s perfect skills can even be felt in the meticulous needlework– absolutely perfect needlework, without even a single loose stitch or missing hair.
It is not known what Sculptor was able to make such a magical work of art.
Artistic Value: A blessing to sculpting. It will become an opportunity to develop the continent’s sculpting a step higher. 24,610.
Special Options:
Those who have seen the Unnamed Mythical Sculpture will have their Health and Mana regeneration speed increased by 32% for a day. Increases maximum Health and Mana by 30% for a day.
Strengthens the effects of blessing magic for a day.
Increases All Stats by 20.
Increases Agility and Courage by an additional 7%.
Increases movement speed by 30%. Can shorten the time taken because the farther one goes, the faster movement speed becomes.
Increases birth rate of the city or region where the statue is located by 100%. Reduces the violent tendencies of residents. It will be a very big help to security, but the natural increase of warriors and soldiers will decrease.
Permanently increases Health by 500.
Permanently increases the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Human race by a maximum of 15.
Effects do not stack with other sculptures.
An unfinished Mythical work.
– Sculpting skill proficiency has greatly improved.
– Handicraft skill proficiency has greatly improved.
– Sculpture Comprehension skill level has increased by 1.
– Because the artist who made the work was set to be unknown, Fame has increased by 2.
– Art stat has risen by 89.
– Perseverance has risen by 41.
– Charm has risen by 26.
– Wisdom has risen by 10.
In return for creating an unfinished mythical sculpture, All Stats rise by an additional 5 points.
A blessing to sculpting. For making a work about birth and death, stats related to combat will increase by 8% for one week. Maximum Mana and recovery rate will be increased by 65%.
The reward was enough to make Weed’s mind go blank. It seemed that he would have to completely throw away the prejudice that a Sculptor wasn’t as good as a Swordsman or another profession now.
“Check Sculpting skill!”
Advanced Sculpting 7 (65%): Can sculpt. A beautiful sculpture will also sell for a high price.
You can spread your name on the continent by making glorious sculptures.
Good for buying a woman’s affection.
At the level of being able to lead the Versailles Continent’s artistic community. It is regretful that there is no successor who can match the skills of this unique Sculptor.
His Sculpting skill proficiency had increased by a whopping 29%.
Thanks to putting in his utmost, Weed had ended up making a work that even he couldn’t understand.
“I just made dolls…”
Weed came to a deep realization. There was a reason why children and women liked dolls.
It was their instinct to find goods with value!
He had made the dolls for a request barely worth 1 Copper, but there was still a fault. The number of completed dolls was considerable. He had made them inside the roomy space he was using as a workroom in the Lord’s Castle, but he had to move them to another place so that Mandol and his wife could look at it comfortably. He could use an empty room in Morata Castle, but he didn’t want to do so.
“There has to be a separate space for the child.”
Weed mumbled quietly. “Whisper, turn off chatting restriction.”
– Whisper restrictions have been released.
– Guild chat restrictions have been released.
He opened up the whisper and chat functions that he had shut off while returning to Morata. With the restrictions turned on, he didn’t see or hear the guild chat, and when someone whispered him, he could only hear them if he gave permission. It was a measure that he’d set up because there were so many people looking for Weed.
Sabrina: Hurry and hit it!
Edwin: It hasn’t been hit quite enough.
Pin: It’s resisting a lot, how annoying.
Edwin: But I think we’ve almost got it.
It seemed the Travelers of the Wilderness Guild was in a special hunting ground.
Weed ignored most of the guild’s talk, because although the chatting restriction had been turned off, there were still as many lurkers as ever.
– Mister Pavo.
He sent a whisper to the Architect Pavo, who he’d met in the Northern Expedition. It had been a really long time, but he never forgot players that he could use.
‘He was of a considerable level as an Architect.’
Pavo was the Architect who had been busy making even the stairs that were good for viewing for the Goddess Freya Statue in Morata.
– Weed! Is it you?
Pavo hadn’t forgotten Weed either. Since he was the Lord of Morata, of course he couldn’t forget.
– Where are you?
– I’m in Morata. I heard the rumor that you returned and are making a statue. I couldn’t go see you because I was setting up a store in the square.
– Are you almost done with your work?
– I just need to put up a door for them. If I hurry, I think can finish in an hour.
– What about Mister Gaston?
– He’s working with me. Right now he’s painting a ceiling fresco; he’s finishing it.
– That’s good. I have a request to make; I would like you to build me a house.
– The Lord of Morata needs a house?
Pavo looked like he didn’t understand it very well. There was no reason for Weed, who had the Lord’s Castle, to need a house. For things like item storage or resting in a bedroom, he could just use the Lord’s Castle, after all.