Business Risk Assessment Interview Topics
The following questions and topics are intended as an overview of the type of discussion we would
like to foster through our risk assessment interview process. Please use this information as a guide
for our discussion. It does not have to be filled out in advance.
1) Discuss business strategies for your area of responsibility.
2) Discuss key business processes performed within your area of responsibility.
3) Discuss key business initiatives: current, upcoming, and/or ongoing.
1) What business risks do you see within your area? (See attached list of potential business risk
2) Can you estimate the likelihood of these risks occurring? (Example: high – very likely this will
happen; medium; low)
3) Can you estimate the impact of these risks? (Example: high impact; medium; low)
4) Do you have a process for measuring and identifying these risks?
1) Briefly describe what controls are in place to protect against these risks.
Other Items
1) Do you have other areas of concern outside your immediate responsibilities?