11. Analysis of the Data
The data collected to know about the perception of foreign tourists regarding the safety and security attribute of Indian and Singapore tourism sector have been analyzed by using independent sample t- test .The results of this test are shown in the Table
The Table 1 reveals that for all the variables of the attribute of safety and security a significant
difference is found (at 5% level of significance) in
the perception of foreign tourists regarding Indian tourism and Singaporean tourism. Hence our null hypothesis HO1, is rejected which implies that there is a statistically significant difference between the safety and security issue of tourism in India & Singapore. The data analyzed shows that although the foreign tourists do not consider India a safe tourist place regarding all the variables of safety and security but they are more dissatisfied with Indian Tourism due to the high level of Corruption, begging and cheating in India. This fact has also been presented through Figure 1.
After testing the first null hypothesis, now we proceed to test the second and third null
hypotheses. To test these hypotheses again
independent sample t- test has been applied the results of which are depicted by Table 2.