The following equations
were used: the maximum quantum yield for primary photochemistry
was (Fv/Fm)=(Fm−Fo)/Fm; the probability of trapped
excitation moving electrons beyond QA
− was 1–VJ =(FJ−Fo)/
(Fm–Fo); the efficiency with which an electron from the
intersystem electron carriers moves to electron acceptors
in reduced end at the PSI acceptor side was (1–VI)/(1–VJ),
where Fm was the maximum fluorescence, Fo was the minimum
fluorescence, and FJ and FI were the fluorescence
intensities at 3 ms (J-step) and 30 ms (I-step), respectively;
the relative variable fluorescence intensity at J-step (VJ) and
I-step (VI) were calculated as Vt=(Ft−Fo )/(Fm−Fo)