The sensory acceptability of VCB stored at 45 °C was determined
through sensory evaluation by applying the survival
analysis (Cardelli and Labuza 2001; Hough et al. 2003, 2004;
Anese et al. 2006) with some modifications. Briefly, samples
used for sensory analysis were stored at 45 °C for a maximum of 350 days. At selected time periods, samples were taken out
and kept at least for 4 h to make the temperature equilibrate to
room temperature. Before the sensory tests, samples were
coded randomly and the AV of samples was determined. A
group of 50 panelists (recruited among students) were considered,
approximately 50 % males and 50 % females.During the
recruitment process, potential panelists were asked if they liked
VCB and if they consumed it. Those who indicated that they
disliked or did not consume VCB were excluded from
recruiting. Panelists undergone a training program in sensory
assessment in accordance with DIN 10961 (1996).