1. How would you go about getting information about a new career?
= I'm searching for information on website job
2. What's the main thing you need to do prepare for a job interview?
= I need to have built confidence in myself and prepare document important
3. If you decided to change careers, what would you do first?
= I have found it about the new job
4. What would you do if you got your dream job and they hated it
= I have to prove myself by then work to be successful and don't care anyone what to say
Future questions (continuous / perfect)
5. What do you think you will be doing 5 years from now?
= I hope to finish my industrial design degree in two years. I might be working in a company of design
6. In 10 years, how do you think the worldwide job market will have changed?
= I will have prepared for that thing and maybe I will have found the new job
7. What thing do you think you will have accomplished in 5 years?
= I might be working as a graphic designer or a teacher in school of design
8. In the future, will more people be working from home?¬
= yes ,I think having more people will be choosing work at home because the technology of communication has been developed to be more convenient