What is advanced intelligence? Various definitions have
been proposed. The founder of fuzzy mathematics, Lotfi A.
Zadeh, defined advanced intelligence as the integration of
artificial and natural intelligence [6]. Scholars attending the
"International Conference of AI 2006" reached the consensusthat advanced intelligence is research that integrates traditional
AI(Advanced Intelligence) with computational intelligence and
behavioral intelligence. Fig. 1 is the schematic of advanced
intelligence. The right side of the figure shows that advanced
intelligence is the attainment of man-machine integration; that
is, human-machine organic coexistence. Because a human is
an intelligent agent, he/she possesses various sentiments and
displays emotions and physical reactions to external stimuli
that yield common knowledge and experience. The tens of
billions of individuals constitute swarm intelligence, which
exploits the natural intelligence possessed by humans and
combines it with artificial intelligence entrusted to computers
to form the so-called advanced intelligence, which ultimately
results in intelligent strategy and behavior.