As the major product of airline, customers demand the flight with safe and on time. Link to SWOT analysis method, time is the competitive disadvantage of AirAsia, there are lots of online negative critiques what is the unpunctuality of AirAsia’s flight. A Proverb was circulated in China “cheap goods do not have good quality, good goods are not cheap.” This is the long-standing comment with the relationship between product quality and price, it is also a general cognition of consumer products. But in an increasing competitive market, low price does not mean that can reduce the quality of the product. It will affect the rate of market share and influence if AirAsia does not enhance the quality of management to ensure that flight is on time, as a result from other airlines can also reduce operating costs by advanced management method. The quality will undoubtedly become the key to success when the price can not be the main determinant.