Several DSP methods have been synthetically analyzed
and compared with respect to the expected errors for an
ultrasonic range measurement arrangement. These included
L1, L2 norms and correlation. Conventional
threshold-detecting techniques give errors in the range of
several millimeters to centimeters using the low-bandwidth
transducers currently available for operation in air.
In contrast, DSP methods achieve orders of magnitude
better accuracies. Correlation is the best method with low
S/N ratio, the sampling rate being the limiting factor.
Furthermore, L2 norm provides better results with moderate
and low noise levels, although it requires high sampling
frequency, high digitizing resolution, and higher
computing time to achieve its full performance. For moderate
accuracy requirements, L1 needs both low cost
hardware and lower computing time using conventional
architectures. Also, results show that 6-8 b of resolution
are enough for most applications. For higher throughput
Peak Detection
Several DSP methods have been synthetically analyzedand compared with respect to the expected errors for anultrasonic range measurement arrangement. These includedL1, L2 norms and correlation. Conventionalthreshold-detecting techniques give errors in the range ofseveral millimeters to centimeters using the low-bandwidthtransducers currently available for operation in air.In contrast, DSP methods achieve orders of magnitudebetter accuracies. Correlation is the best method with lowS/N ratio, the sampling rate being the limiting factor.Furthermore, L2 norm provides better results with moderateand low noise levels, although it requires high samplingfrequency, high digitizing resolution, and highercomputing time to achieve its full performance. For moderateaccuracy requirements, L1 needs both low costhardware and lower computing time using conventionalarchitectures. Also, results show that 6-8 b of resolutionare enough for most applications. For higher throughputPeak DetectionMEANC OMPUTINTGIM EW ITH DIFFERENETN VELOPEEX TRACTIONTECHNIQUES
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