The poses for each compound were then sorted according to their Rerank score from where the highest scored was considered for evaluating its binding affinity. This process was continued for all the twenty five ligands for both the targets. Binding affinities of the ligands shows that Certonardosterol D5 (30) (mw 466.365 daltons) and Certonardosterol Q3 (23)
(mw 482.397 daltons) isolated from C. semiregularis were the most active steroids followed by compound 28 (mw 452.350 daltons) and Certonardosterol N1 (13) (mw 480.381 daltons) from H. tumida [29,30,33] for Bcl-2 and CDK4/Cyclin D1. (Tables 2 and 3).