The various sources of replacement of the animals and plants – bred or cultivated in
the private household or acquired, generate different costs, according to the approach based
on the historical cost. A considerably improved comparability and intelligibility appear when
the similar assets are evaluated and reported using the same basis.
In conclusion, if an entity has previously measured a biological asset at the fair value
less the estimated point-of-sale costs, it is necessary that the entity should continue measuring
the biological asset at the fair value from which the point-of-sale costs are deduced until the
moment of yielding. If the entity resorts to an exception from reliability, then it is necessary
for supplementary information which would include information concerning the biological
assets detained at the end of the period, such as a description of the assets an
Sustaining the measurement based on the fair value must take into account that the
contracted transactions with the purpose to make biological transformations have often just a
slight connection with the biological transformation in itself and consequently, a more distant
connection with the anticipated future benefits. No benefit can be reported until the moment
of the first harvest and sale of the production obtained by a forest entity that uses an
accounting pattern of the historical cost that is based on the transaction. On the other hand, the
income is measured and reported across the period until the initial harvest if an accounting
pattern that recognizes and measures the biological growing using the current fair values is
used an explanation of the reason for which the fair value can be measured reliably.
The fair value, as treated by other accounting standards, is an important element for the
economic information users, by presenting the key elements used in its estimation. Calculating the
update rate and the evaluation techniques used in determining the volume of agricultural assets, can
have significant effects over the fair value estimation. All evaluations influence the profit and loss
account, and directly influence the revenues and expenses: modifications of the fair value at the yearend and revenues generated by initial evaluations. Therefore, the modifications influenced by the
market variations, such as physical modifications are due to biological alteration of plants and animals.
These modifications are not separately recognized in the profit and loss account and in capital
resources, but represent the transaction result. IAS 41 standard is one of the few standards that control
accounting rules for single sectors by applying the fair value estimation for assets that are not
classified as financial instruments, such as IAS 39 classifies them.
Consequently, a company should present the assets’ accounting values separately in the annual
financial statements. A company will present the profits or losses of the current period, at the initial
recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce, and from the fair value modification, minus
point-of-sale costs, and describing each group of biological assets separately. Therefore, the company
will need to describe the following: the nature of its activities and each group of biological assets; non-financial measures or quantity estimations for each group of biological assets and agricultural produce
of the current period. The entity will present all significant methods used in determining the fair value
of each group of biological assets and agricultural produce; fair value determined at the harvesting
point minus point-of-sale costs of agricultural assets during the period; the existence and accounting
values of restricted biological assets and accounting values of biological assets that guarantee the
debts; the value of the commitments taken for the development or purchase of biological assets;
financial risk management strategies related to agricultural activities; nature and value of government
grants; unfulfilled requirements and other contingencies of government grants; significant reductions
related to government grants.