Sensory evaluation
The result of the sensory evaluation showed that
the sample cooked without trona (ABK1) had the
lowest score (5.63) but there were no significantly
difference (p > 0.05) in colour of the samples
(Table 2). The sample ABS1 was rated highest by the
test panelists with a mean score of 6.38. Its colour
was observed to be grey. This could be attributed
to the action of the trona as all samples cooked
with trona exhibited this colour (Plate 1). Ameh et
al. (2009) observed the same effect when trona was
added during cooking of Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyx.
However, the result showed significant differences
(p < 0.05) among the samples’ texture, aroma, taste,
mouth feel and overall acceptability.