Some basic reform thrusts should mitigate damage done to the environment by continuing economic growth. The reforms, for example, have specifically sought to alter the mix of investment to provide more funding for light industry at the expense of the economy in the coming decade should be the service sector. These changes in the sectorial balance of China’s economy should have a basically beneficent effect on use of resources per unit of output.
China’s move away from centralized planning should also prove environment helpful. Localities now play a far larger role in decisions on locations of new plants and are better able to take into account the environment consequences of new approvals. Increased emphasis on profitability, with some movement of natural –resource prices in the direction of their true market values, should also increase incentives at the enterprise level to adopt resource saving technologies
Other changes, such as the gradual development in property right, should have long-term beneficent effects. People and businesses have little incentive to make investments in environmental abatement if their rights to the property concerned are weak or nonexistent. China has developed certain property-rights laws under the reforms, and its likely 2003 adoption of a code of civil procedure should bolster its property-rights regime.