present their opinions clearly and confidently. In this respect, developing communication skills by means of SBAR forms, whose effectiveness regarding handovers has been demonstrated by current research [12], will contribute to boosting confidence among students who are worried about information omission or incompleteness in handovers as well as communication clarity [22].
A low level of clarity was shown in the area of advice among SBAR items, which requires a shift worker to ask for clear instructions or advice. Specifically, such items as ‘I ask for help or advice clearly and directly’ and ‘I ask certain questions or ask for directions clearly’ showed a especially low level of clarity [22]. Asking for advice requires the general understanding and prediction of each patient’s problems. If a nurse is good in self-assertion or self-expression, it will improve his or her self-esteem and reduce anxiety in communication [12].
Many new nurses report difficulties in handling tasks at the hospital due to lack of skills [23]. Hence, if nursing students are provided with training programs to learn ways of handovers, reporting to and communicating with doctors in introduction and utilization of SBAR, it is expected that their difficulties as nurses in communicating and reporting in handovers will be significantly reduced.
9. Conclusion
This study aims to grasp the actual condition of handover communication that nursing students experience in clinical practice, analyze handover contents by means of SBAR, and thus provide a basis for improvement of handover communication among nursing students and development of education programs for them. In conclusion, nursing students feel the necessity of handover education as part of a practical training course, and efforts need to be put forth into enhancing communication clarity by utilizing specific SBAR tools. Based on the findings of this study, suggested is a research on the development and application of an education program that utilizes simulations or role plays in connection with SBAR in order to improve the quality of handover communication among nursing students as well as related education methods.
acknowledgements “This research was supported by the 2015 scientific promotion program funded by Jeju