Sprinkle irrigation was applied immediately after transplanting
and during the subsequent 15–18 DAT, after which drip irrigation
with a single drip tape line at the bed center was used. Irrigation
scheduling was based on daily evapotranspiration from the (California
Irrigation Management Information System), and soil moisture
sensors. No precipitation occurred during the trial and total
irrigation was 150 mm (2008) and 133 cm (2009). The climatic
conditions were similar across years with average air of 14 C
and soil temperature of 22 C, however evapotranspiration was
higher during 2008. Liquid, fish-based fertilizers (6N-2P-0K, 5N-
1P-1K) were applied through the drip tape at 25 to 35 DAT to bring
the total rate of N applied (preplant + fertigation) to 69 and 73 kg N
per ha, in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Weeds were controlled with
a tractor mounted cultivator and hand-hoeing on 19 and 15 DAT in
2008 and 2009, respectively.