(aef). TEM micrographs of (left) raw and (right) cooked (373.15 K for 30 min) beef meat myofibril showing sarcomere structural detail (aeb); myofibrils after 30 (ced) and 60
(eef) min of digestion under simulated gastric conditions. (geh). TEM micrographs of raw (g); cooked (373.15 K for 30 min) beef meat myofiber showing myofibrils (h); cooked meat
myofiber showing the presence of numerous granular aggregates (i); cooked meat myofiber showing lysis and disorganization of the actin and myosin myofilaments (j) after
180 min of digestion (60 min of simulated gastric followed by 120 min of simulated small-intestinal digestion).