ED team handoff: which way do we go?
The neuroscience intensive care unit receives all stroke patients who received t-PA and all critically ill stroke patients including most hemorrhagic stroke patients. Ischemic stroke is 10 times more frequent than hemorrhagic stroke, yet hemorrhagic stroke is associated with a considerable increase in mortality within the first 3 months after stroke ( Andersen et al., 2009 ).
Interventional radiology (IR) is considered for patients who present for care outside of the t-PA window or are ineligible for t-PA, as well as patients who have received t-PA and may need further intervention.
Stroke patients who have a delayed presentation to the hospital and are outside the window for t-PA and the interventional window may be admitted to the hospital for intermediate care.
Observation stroke care may be considered for low-risk transient ischemic event patients waiting for magnetic resonance imaging (MRA)/magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA). Neurology teams may follow these patients while they are in observation status.
The AHA/ASA recommends that stroke patients be transferred to stroke center for stroke care. Certification of stroke centers is done by external or state health departments. Criteria to be designated a Stroke Center is rigorous and encompasses patient management, data collection, and continuous quality improvement ( Jauch et al., 2013 ).