SamplesTetra Pak multilayer carton, namely Tetra Aseptic composedof cellulose, low density polyethylene and aluminum layers, wasselected for this study as an model example of complex organicwaste. Before the pyrolysis process, samples were prepared in twoways as shown in scheme (Fig. 1). The first way was the milling ofTetra Aseptic (TA) in a blender with or without the addition of acatalyst and then subjecting it to the pyrolysis process. The secondway was the separation of cellulose (TAC) and polyethylene (TAPE)layers followed by non-catalytic or catalytic pyrolysis of each layer.Characteristics of samples is given in Table 1.Montmorillonite K10 (K10) and montmorillonite KSF (KSF), bothsupplied by Aldrich, were selected as mesoporous clay catalysts,characterized with high Lewis acidity and different surface area.Aluminosilicates were thermally pre-treated at 300◦C for 4 h. Theporous texture of aluminosilicates was determined from nitro-gen adsorption isotherms measured at 77 K with a NOVA 2200(Quantachrome). The specific surface area was calculated using theBET