Figure 1. Prevention of obesity in ob/ob
mice by TNP-470. Five-week-old male
C57Bl/6 ob/ob mice were treated with
TNP-470 at a dose of 20 mg/kg or
received no treatment (A). Five-week-old
male C57Bl/6 ob/ob mice were treated
with TNP-470 at a dose of 15 mg/kg. Ad
libitum-fed and pair-fed mice were used
as controls. Food intake was measured
daily (B). Body weight was measured
every other day (C) and body length
once per week (D). Autopsy examination
of adipose tissue distribution was performed
at week 8 (E). Subcutaneous,
perigonadal, and omental fat depots and
liver weights were measured (F). Total
fat/total body weight (G), lean mass/total
body weight (H), and the correlation
between total fat mass versus body
weight (I) were calculated. Black
barsad libitum-fed mice (A), blue
barspair-fed mice (P), red barsTNP-
470–treated animals (T). For comparisons
with pair-fed group: *P0.05,
**P0.01, ***P0.001; comparisons with
ad libitum-fed group: #P0.05.
Figure 1. Prevention of obesity in ob/obmice by TNP-470. Five-week-old maleC57Bl/6 ob/ob mice were treated withTNP-470 at a dose of 20 mg/kg orreceived no treatment (A). Five-week-oldmale C57Bl/6 ob/ob mice were treatedwith TNP-470 at a dose of 15 mg/kg. Adlibitum-fed and pair-fed mice were usedas controls. Food intake was measureddaily (B). Body weight was measuredevery other day (C) and body lengthonce per week (D). Autopsy examinationof adipose tissue distribution was performedat week 8 (E). Subcutaneous,perigonadal, and omental fat depots andliver weights were measured (F). Totalfat/total body weight (G), lean mass/totalbody weight (H), and the correlationbetween total fat mass versus bodyweight (I) were calculated. Blackbarsad libitum-fed mice (A), bluebarspair-fed mice (P), red barsTNP-470–treated animals (T). For comparisonswith pair-fed group: *P0.05,**P0.01, ***P0.001; comparisons withad libitum-fed group: #P0.05.
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