what seems to be the problem
a bad cough
a sore throat
i am still sick
i am also have a headache
i feel sick
how long have you had there .symptoms ?
about three days now . i am also very lifed
well it sounds like you have got the flu . take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest . make sure you drink lots fluids : call me if you are still sick next week .
I’ll give you a prescription.
คุณหมอ : ผมจะให้ใบสั่งยาคุณ
Doctor : Take two pills of paracetamol every four hours.
คุณหมอ : รับประทานพาราเซ็ตตามอลครั้งละ 2 เม็ดทุก ๆ 4 ชั่วโมง
Doctor : You’ll feel better in a while.
คุณหมอ : คุณจะรู้สึกสบายขึ้นในไม่ช้า