2015.10.17 วันเสาร์
19:58 Laura Stefan I saw your iPhone 5S 16GB Gold posted on olx do you still have it for sale?
19:59 BlackHole Yes i have
20:02 Laura Stefan Ok. Tell me if the iphone can work with any network sim card (locked or unlocked to SIM-free) and is it china copy or original?
20:03 BlackHole It can work everything and original iphone
20:04 BlackHole Unlocked to SIM-free
20:05 Laura Stefan ok, what is the price?
20:05 BlackHole It cannot scan finger
20:06 BlackHole 9000 bath
20:08 Laura Stefan Alright, i am satisfied with the price of the phone,Good.. I am from United Kingdom and i am purchasing this phone for my sister has a gift because i promised to buy her from thialand, so i will pay you 25,000baht for the phone including the shipping through UPS Courier or DHL delivery to USA, so let me know if you have a bank account so that we can make the deal ASAP.
20:12 BlackHole What is it ASAP
20:12 BlackHole I have account paypal
20:14 Laura Stefan ok, Send me your account owner name and account email. okay
20:30 BlackHole account paypal atom_action@hotmail.com
20:30 Laura Stefan ok, account owner name?
20:31 BlackHole sophon
20:33 Laura Stefan ok, i can make the payment anytime from now. and i will inform you when i make the payment, okay
2015.10.19 วันจันทร์
05:44 Laura Stefan Hello, Just to let you know that i made the payment, and i got emails from paypal that the funds are out of my account, kindly go through your (atom_action@hotmail.com) both Inbox mail or Junk folder for notifications transaction from paypal. so we can know the next step of action. It's nice doing business with you. I will be looking forward to hear from you. Regards.