The most common tire problem besides wear is a puncture.
When properly repaired, the tire can be put back in
service without the fear of an air leak recurring. Punctures
in the tread area are the only ones that should be repaired
or even attempted to be repaired. Never attempt
to service punctures in the tire's shoulders or sidewalls.
In addition, do not service any tire that has sustained the
following damage:
- Bulges or blisters
- Ply separation
- Broken or cracked beads
- Fabric cracks or cuts
- Wear to the fabric or visible wear indicators
- Punctures larger than 7+-inch (6-mm) diameter
Some car owners attempt to seal punctures with tire
sealants. These sealants are injected into the tire through
the valve stem. Sometimes the chemicals in the sealant
do a great job sealing the hole, other times they fail. The
sealants should never be used and will not work on sidewall
punctures. Some of the sealants are very flammable
and carry a warning that the tire should be marked so
that the next technician knows the sealant has been used