As great of a master he is, there are still things Shifu taught me that even Great Master Viper's attacks are not impervious to." Her cold stare and balling fist, containing her impatient energy, only made Viper sense it, giving the cat a taste of her own fury.
"Are you calling my father weak!" Feeling a deep offense to Tigress's statement.
Tigress saw the fire in the serpent's eyes. The strong admiration and love for her dad went ablaze, Viper took the whole sentence out of context. "That is not what I am saying, and," her voice trailed off before finding its way back on the path. "This is not the time or place to be discussing personal issues." Tigress watched Viper clamp her mouth shut, only a dangerous rattle washed over her body.
'She can get angry all she wants, I'll deal with her later.'