Honey I wish you have a wonderful time over there. I am doing well here also and I am sorry for my late letter as i have been busy with work lately. My dear, if only you could see my heart, then you will know how the thoughts of you make me feel. I have developed a strong feeling of love towards you and I don't want that feelings to end.After the death of my ex wife I have been focused on my work only and I closed the door of my heart. I am not used to online dating affair but a colleague of mine who married to one lady in your country advised me to give it a try and I decided to give it a shot and I am so glad I found you. My dear,lets take our new found love and marriage into the hand of God, I am hoping that with true love and understanding between us, we can take our love to the next level of relationship which is my utmost desire as we are not getting younger.I will be so much happy to visit your country , but as a matter of facts, my work schedules are so tight i will inform you ahead of time when i will visit you, however, when we get married and stay together your going to have kids for me,well; that one is between you and me,smile, But I promise you I will arrange my leave to be with you as well. I will love the opportunity to come and be with you so we can share our life experience
and get used to each other. I have a deep feeling of love for you and I have no doubts about that but I pray that the good lord that brought our paths together will secure our new found love and make it unbreakable.i have a surprise gift for you by giving me your true love but i m not going to tell you what is that cos i like surprises, however, when am ready i m going to request for your home full address , your city and state where your living and your full name and your phone number so that i will post them to you cos i like giving a gift, i will be so much happy to see this love to add more than 100% if you can do that for me live the rest for me, more one thing please always to pray once your going to bed and also put this our love in prayer please can you tell me the size of your ring, size of your shoes so that i will put it in my mind if in case i m going to send you something so that i will bought Gold engagement ring for you cos i don't like anybody to take you out from me please try to get back to me once you check the size of the ring my love your already take my heart i don't know what i m going to say again i don't know what i m going to use to thank that my friend who advice me to come on dating site God will give him more bless in Jesus name cos without him i don't think i will know you through site, ,My dear lets keep our line of communication open and pray that God will lead us through it all. I hope to read from you soon my dearest. Always take care of yourself and the family. God bless you more and more as your readying this my sweet message for you may God give you more life and successful life and in Jesus name i pray amen .
its me your future husband