Suppression of drinking persisted at 12-
and 18-month follow ups in these studies. Similarly,
Bien (1991) found that patients given a
single session of motivational interviewing, as a
prelude to outpatient alcoholism treatment in a
Veterans Affairs hospital, showed significantly
greater reduction on drinking measures at a
3-month follow-up interview relative to randomly
assigned controls treated without a motivational
interview. Kuchipudi, Hobein, Flickinger, and
Iber (1990), in contrast, reported no effect of a
motivational intervention on patients with alcoholrelated
gastrointestinal diseases who had previously
failed to respond to medical advice.
Suppression of drinking persisted at 12-and 18-month follow ups in these studies. Similarly,Bien (1991) found that patients given asingle session of motivational interviewing, as aprelude to outpatient alcoholism treatment in aVeterans Affairs hospital, showed significantlygreater reduction on drinking measures at a3-month follow-up interview relative to randomlyassigned controls treated without a motivationalinterview. Kuchipudi, Hobein, Flickinger, andIber (1990), in contrast, reported no effect of amotivational intervention on patients with alcoholrelatedgastrointestinal diseases who had previouslyfailed to respond to medical advice.
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