Head brilliant metallic green, glabrous except for two pairs of supraorbital setae; frons strongly longitudinally sulcata, sulci extending onto vertex, diverging posteriorly and extending laterally behind eyes; vertex strongly depressed between eyes, transversely rugose anteriorly; occiput transversely rugose medially, rugae extending anteriorly onto vertex; genae longitudinally sulcata; clypeus finely granulate to transversely sulcata; labrum brownish-yellow, sub rectangular, about twice as wide as long, anterior margin slightly sinuate, small medial tooth variably present, with
5-8 submarginal setae; mouthparts brownish-yellow, except apex and teeth of mandibles and ultimate segment of both maxillary and labial palpi brown with metallic reflections; underside of head brownish-green, variably yellow-brown medially.
Antennae with segment 1 yellowish, glabrous except for a single subapical setae; segments 2-4 yellowish- brown with metallic reflections, glabrous except for a few erect setae; segments 5-11 dark brownish, densely covered with short suberect setae
in addition to a few longer erect setae.