Li, Tang & Ng
(2010) proposed NPEWMA and NPCUSUM charts based on the Mann-Whitney
statistic; Zou & Tsung (2011) proposed a multivariate EWMA control chart using
the weighted version of the sign test; Graham, Chakraborti & Human 2011a, 2011b
proposed nonparametric EWMA sign and signed-rank control charts to monitor
the location parameter; Yang & Cheng (2011) proposed two NPEWMA control
charts, namely the nonparametric EWMA sign (NPSE) chart and the nonparametric
Arcsine EWMA sign (NPASE) chart; Yang & Cheng (2011) proposed a
nonparametric CUSUM (NPSC) chart, using the sign statistics, for quick detection
of shifts from the process target. Abbasi (2012) may also be seen in this