The food-frequency questionnaire data showed that energy intake
tended to be higher (P = 0.06) among the men (2562.0 ± 598.2 kcal/d)
than among the women (1994.8 ± 773.9 kcal/d). The main contributor
to the difference in energy intake observed may have been
the higher (P = 0.02) intake of carbohydrates among the men
(275.8 ± 67.3 g) than among the women (201.6 ± 64.8 g). No significant
differences in micronutrient intake were observed between the
men and women. There was also no significant difference (P = 0.3)
in daily vitamin C intake between the men (136.1 ± 53.0 mg) and
the women (111.9 ± 39.3 mg).
Baseline plasma vitamin C