Hi, Tita! I am very happy you e-mailed me. Thanks! Now you can see that my real name is George. But I also have a nickname that all my friends call me: Jody.
LOL! I must laugh because I also have put on weight from too many sweets. Now, I am trying to lose weight, cut down on cakes and cookies and candy. But at my age it is hard. Luckily, I enjoy exercising. I go for a walk almost everyday. BTW, I don't mind if you are fat.
Yes, the country here is beautiful. But it might bore you because you are used to the city. Here, it is always quiet. The winters here are no problem actually. They are cold, but people dress warmly and inside the house it's always warm. I like both the city and the country. I loved Singapore when I lived there - and I still love it, but it is too expensive. Maybe I would like Bangkok? Many people tell me it is easy to live there. They complain of the traffic, but I don't care about traffic. I would ride the bus.
Maybe someday I will bring you here. Of course, we must get to know each other better first. I understand that. But I would enjoy showing you where I live and taking you fishing. Also, in October and November, sometimes I go hunting. I hunt for antelope, deer, and elk. Are you Buddhist? If you are, you will probably not like me hunting. Are you vegetarian? I eat chicken and fish and wild game, but I try not to eat beef.
Would you like to open your own bake shop there? Is it hard to do that? Because obviously you are a wonderful baker and if you had your own shop, maybe you could make a good profit. You could also sell your crafts in the shop.
Your English is fine. Don't worry. Also, I understand that it takes you longer to write and it is hard work. But don't worry. I am patient. I am sorry I cannot write Thai. I would like to. The language and writing system are beautiful.
I have no friends on InterPals. I am not a big InterPal or FaceBook guy. I try to be careful about people, Tita.
I will drink my coffee and then go to the library. I must return a book and pick up another one. The sun is shining this morning, it's all blue sky . . .