Global warming is a real threat!
It can cause severe weather condition.
For example, it doesn't just make a day warmer.
It relocates flood and drought everywhere.
It makes hurricanes and storms stronger.
Now scientists are not quite sure about its effect if it interferes the cold/warm ocean current.
Last time, when fresh water leaked from great lake area in North America and changed the concentration of sea water in Atlantic ocean, it stopped the ocean current and caused an ice age in Europe.
Our World
Our World is precious to us and we must become more aware of it. Many of our everyday actions are changing the planet permanently. The evidence of global warming is clear in the Arctic and Antarctic continents. We must all do everything in our power to save our World.
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Spread the word about conservation.
Any way you can - get people to think about the earth. There are almost 6 billion people on this earth, and every one of them needs to take care of it! Always look for environment-safe products and encourage others to do the same. From recycling to buying less packaging to planting trees to saving water to conserving energy, keep the environment in mind.